Inauguration Ceremony

An extensive registration exercise was conducted in July 2006 and the response was overwhelming. The Inauguration Ceremony of the CLG was held on 19 August with the presence of our Controller Dr S P MAK as officiating guest. A large number of CLG members attended the ceremony and they exchanged their views on topics related to food safety.

Visit to Food Research Laboratory (FRL)

To increase the knowledge of CLG members on food research of the CFS, a visit to the FRL of Public Health Laboratory Centre in Kowloon was conducted on 13 November 2006. With the detailed presentation by our staff of Food Research Laboratory Section on the functions and daily operation of the FRL and sophisticated equipment and their application, visitors could have a deeper understanding on food research of the CFS.

Public Consultation Forum on Amendment to the Preservatives in Food Regulations

To enhance food safety for the protection of public health and consumers' interest, the Government has proposed to amend the Preservatives in Food Regulations. In order to seek public views on the proposed amendment exercise, CLG members were invited to participate in the above public consultation forum held on 23 January and 7 February.

Risk Perception Seminar

A seminar was held on 29 March to enlighten CLG members on risk perception of food safety and to explain the internationally recognized approach adopted by the CFS on food control in Hong Kong.

Public Consultation Forums on the " Proposed Regulatory Framework for Pesticide Residues in Food in Hong Kong "

In order to better protect public health, facilitate effective regulatory control and promote harmonization between local and international standards, the Government has put forward the Proposed Regulatory Framework for public consultation. CLG members were invited to the Public Consultation Forums held on 7 and 18 December respectively.