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CFS urges public not to consume a kind of milk imported without import permission

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (August 27) announced that the CFS has found a kind of milk imported from Australia without import permission approved by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (DFEH). The CFS called on the public not to consume the product concerned. The trade should also stop selling or using the affected product should they possess it.
Details of the product are as follows:
Product name: Liddells Lactose Free 99% Low Fat Milk
Brand: Liddells
Place of origin: Australia
Importer: KYLH International Trading PTY Limited
Net volume: 1 litre per carton
Best-before date: December 4, 2021
A spokesman for the CFS said, "When following up on an earlier relevant incident, the CFS found that the above-mentioned sole importer has imported 180 cartons of the product without obtaining import permission from the DFEH. The CFS immediately instructed the sole importer to stop sale of the product concerned, remove them from shelves and initiate a recall, and will trace its source and distribution. Enquiries about the recall can be made to the importer's hotline at 6728 6005 during office hours. Prosecution will be instituted should there be sufficient evidence."
According to the Milk Regulation (Cap. 132AQ), any person who sells any milk or milk beverage imported into Hong Kong from a source of manufacture other than a source of manufacture which has been approved by the DFEH commits an offence. The maximum penalty is a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for three months upon conviction. In addition, the CFS also reminded that according to the Imported Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations (Cap. 132AK), any person who imports game, meat, poultry or eggs should produce a health certificate issued by an issuing entity from the place of origin or obtain prior permission in writing from the FEHD. Offenders are liable on conviction to a fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment.
The CFS will alert the trade to the incident and remind importers of milk products that they should comply with the relevant requirements. It will continue to follow up and take appropriate action to safeguard food safety and public health. Investigation is ongoing.
Ends/Friday, August 27, 2021