“Live it, Use it” Nutrition Labelling Promotion Award Scheme

Programme Details

The Award Scheme has stepped into its third year and continues to encourage students to plan and implement nutrition labelling promotion activities in school/community settings. Participants can enhance their understanding and use of nutrition labelling, demonstrate and enhance their creativity, analytical, organisation abilities and communication skills via the planning, implementing the activities and the evaluation process. Students can also take this opportunity to serve the schoolmates and/or society and build up self confidence.

The Award Scheme not only let students to implement and promote healthy lifestyles, it can also be incorporated as part of the Healthy School Policy, health-related co-curricular activities, or as learning elements under life-wide learning or Other Learning Experiences.

Emphases of the Award Scheme include:

Entry Requirements

Participants should be secondary school students and enrol as a school team with guidance from their teachers. A school may form more than one team while each should consist of not more than ten core members. Each team registers as either Junior or Senior Group, based on the grade attended by its most senior team members:

Follow Up and Support

The CFS will provide training to students by designated staff, arrange distribution of resource package and provide resources depending on the nature of activities e.g. activity materials or arrangement of speakers, etc. Professional partners will also be invited to visit the participating teams to exchange ideas.

Award Presentation Ceremony

ll participating teams will be invited to an award presentation ceremony scheduled for July 2013. Meritorious and outstanding promotional projects will be awarded. All participants who have completed the Award Scheme will be given a certificate of participation to recognise their efforts.

Further Information or Enquiry

Ms. CHAN of the Risk Communication Section, CFS on 3962 2066


Jointly organised by the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Education Bureau

Supporting Organisation

Committee on Home-School Co-operation

Enrolment Form and Guidance Notes

Publicity Pamphlet

Invitation Letter to Secondary School Principals

Video of "Live it, Use it" Nutrition Labelling Promotion Award Scheme 2011/12 and Fun Shopping Award Scheme (Cantonese with English subtitle) (WMV , 30 MB)

Participating Schools and List of Awardees 2011/12

Participating Schools and List of Awardees 2010/11