Regarding two suspected food poisoning cluster announced on 25 July, the Centre for Food Safety has conducted a preliminary investigation and has the following recommendations for food premises' reference:

Food poisoning cases
  • The first cluster involved five males and three females, aged 48 to 68.

  • The second cluster involved two males and three females, aged 26 to 57

Location of alleged food premises

To Kwa Wan

Suspected incriminated food item
  • Various food items including cooked shrimp

Suspected contributing factors
  • Food suspected to be contaminated by Vibrio parahaemolyticus

  • Utensils were contaminated by raw food.

  • Purchase seafood from reliable and approved sources with health certificates issued by the relevant authority

  • Review the food preparation work flow to identify the risk of crosscontamination and design a food safety plan to eliminate the risk.

  • Handle raw foods and cooked foods or ready-to-eat foods by using designated utensils, including cutting boards and knives.

  • Avoid cross-contamination of raw and cooked food during storage and handling. Cooked food should not be carried to the foodhandling area for handling raw food. If raw, cooked and ready-to-eat foods need to be handled in the same preparation area, disinfect the area thoroughly between uses.

  • Wash hands thoroughly between handling raw and cooked food.Clean and disinfect utensils, equipment and working areas regularly.

  • Wear protective clothing (e.g. gloves) and cover all wounds when handling raw food.

  • Cook seafood thoroughly before serving.

  • The management should provide training to food handlers so that they can fully understand the risk of cross-contamination in handling raw food and observe good personal hygiene to prevent cross-contamination.

Centre for Food Safety