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Food Alerts / Allergy Alerts

Suspension of import and sale of raw oysters harvested in Cancale, France

Issue Date 6.4.2018
Source of Information

Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) of the European Commission

Food Product

Raw oysters

Product Name and Description

Raw oysters harvested in Cancale, France

Reason For Issuing Alert
  • The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) received a notification from the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed of the European Commission that a local importer, Saison Food Service Limited, had imported raw oysters which were suspected to be contaminated with norovirus. The CFS immediately contacted the importer concerned for follow-up and the importer confirmed that it had imported the affected oysters from the Cancale, France.
  • According to information provided by the importer, around 5 kilograms of the affected oysters were sold in Hong Kong and a recall has been initiated according to the CFS' advice.
Action Taken by the Centre for Food Safety
  • For the sake of prudence, the CFS has immediately suspended the import into and sale within Hong Kong of all raw oysters harvested in Cancale, France.  
  • The CFS will inform the French authorities of the import suspension and notify the local trade.  
  • The CFS will continue to follow up on the incident and take appropriate action to safeguard food safety and public health.
Advice to the Trade
  • Stop selling the affected product.
Advice to Consumers
  • Regardless of the season or the region in which the oysters are harvested, consuming oysters, particularly raw or partially cooked ones, carries an inherent food safety risk..
  • Susceptible groups, such as pregnant women, young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems or liver diseases, should avoid eating raw oysters.
  • Members of the public may call the importer's hotline at 2537 8080 during office hours to enquire about the recall.
Further Information

The CFS press release

Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Last revision date: 17 Apr 2018