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Proposed Regulatory Framework on Nutrition and Health Claims on Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula, and Prepackaged Foods for Infants and Young Children Under the Age of 36 Months


Nutrition and health claims have been widely used in various food products, including formula products (i.e. infant formula and follow-up formula) and prepackaged foods for infants and young children ("IYC foods"). Consuming food based on dubious nutrition or health claims made about them may have adverse impact on the consumer's health.

For infants and young children, nutrition is particularly essential for their growth and health. With the superiority of breastfeeding being widely recognised, it is of paramount importance to prevent practices which would discourage breastfeeding, and to provide parents with accurate and appropriate information on formula products and IYC foods to facilitate informed choice, thereby ensuring that their children get the necessary nutrition for healthy growth.

Proposed Regulatory Framework

The Government proposes to establish a regulatory framework to enhance the regulation of nutrition and health claims on formula products and IYC foods. The purposes of proposed regulatory framework are —

  1. to better protect the health of infants and young children under the age of 36 months; and
  2. to facilitate effective regulatory control over nutrition and health claims on formula products and IYC foods.

Please refer to the documents below for the details of the proposed regulatory framework.

  • Proposed Regulatory Framework on Nutrition and Health Claims on Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula, and Prepackaged Foods for Infants and Young Children Under the Age of 36 Months in Hong Kong

Please send your comments by letter, facsimile or e-mail to the Centre for Food Safety at the following address before 17 April 2015 —

Centre for Food Safety
(Re: Proposed Regulatory Framework on Nutrition and Health Claims on Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula, and Prepackaged Foods for Infants and Young Children Under the Age of 36 Months in Hong Kong)

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
43/F, Queensway Government Offices,
66 Queensway, Hong Kong.
Facsimile: (852) 2893 3547
E - mail address: claims_consultation@fehd.gov.hk
Enquiry telephone number: (852) 2867 5699  

Public Forum (January 2015)

Public forum on the Proposed Regulatory Framework on Nutrition and Health Claims on Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula, and Prepackaged Foods for Infants and Young Children Under the Age of 36 Months in Hong Kong have been arranged.

Public Forum

Session Date/Time Venue Target
Session 1 22 January 2015
Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South , Tsimshatsui Public
Session 2

28 March 2015


Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road , Causeway Bay Public

Technical Meeting (July 2015)

Last revision date: 7 Nov 2024