Who is People with Weakened Immunity?
The following people are people with weakened immunity and belong to a high-risk group. Once they eat high-risk foods, they are more likely to develop foodborne illnesses or complications:
People with immunological disorders (e.g. HIV infection) and chronic diseases (e.g. cancer).
People undergoing immunosuppressive treatments (e.g. drugs given to prevent transplant rejection) that weaken their immunity.
Patients undergoing certain medications (e.g. antacids and antibiotics).
People with weakened immune systems should avoid high-risk foods.
Raw or undercooked foods
Raw or undercooked foods are high-risk foods, as there is no or inadequate heat treatment to eliminate the microorganisms present that can pose risks to human health. People with weakened immune systems should avoid eating them. Click here to read about raw or undercooked foods.