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Contact Us

Enquiry, Suggestion, Request and Complaint

If you have any enquiries, suggestions, requests or complaints in respect of our services, you may contact us through the following channels -

Hotline: ☎2868 0000
(Both are 24-hour hotlines handled by "1823")
(This email account is handled by "1823")
Electronic form: Electronic Form
(The Electronic Form is handled by "1823")
Fax: 2893 3547
Address: Centre for Food Safety
43/F, Queensway Government Offices,
66 Queensway, Hong Kong.

For complaints, please provide your name and correspondence details to facilitate our follow-up action. An interim reply will be given within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the complaint. In case a substantive reply cannot be made within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the complaint, we will update you on the progress.


If you consider that your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily and you wish to appeal against the outcome, please contact us through the above channels, providing the reference and issue date of the substantive reply, if any, of your case to facilitate our follow-up action.

Last revision date: 20 Apr 2022