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Food Safety Ordinance

Food Safety Ordinance (Cap. 612)

The Food Safety Ordinance (Chapter 612) has commenced its full operation on 1 February 2012. Any person who carries on a food business (including farmers, fishermen, hawkers and market stall lessees selling food) should note the relevant measures. This new ordinance introduces a food tracing mechanism including a registration scheme for food importers and food distributors and a record-keeping requirement relating to movement of food to help the Government trace the source of the food more effectively and take prompt action when dealing with food incidents.

  1. Registration scheme for food importers and food distributors
    Online food importer/food distributor
    "Guide to the Registration Scheme for Food Importers and Food Distributors"
    Frequently Asked Questions on Registration Scheme
  2. Record-keeping requirement relating to movement of food
    "Code of Practice on Keeping Records Relating to Food"
  3. Application for registration as food importers and food distributors How to Register (Video)
  4. Register of registered food importers and registered food distributors
    Enquiry of registered food importers and food distributors by business name and / or main food category
    Enquiry of exempted food importers and food distributors by business name and / or main food category

The Ordinance also provides power for the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene to make food safety orders to prohibit the import and supply of problem food and order the recall of such food.

"Code of Practice on Food Safety Orders"

Food Safety Ordinance (Cap. 612)


  1. Poster, Pamphlets and Booklets
  2. Exhibition Boards
  3. TV Announcements
  4. One-minuter Series


Food Importer / Distributor Registration and Import Licensing Office,
Food Import & Export Section,
Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Address: Room 119, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Office hour hotline: 2156 3017 and 2156 3034
Fax: 2156 1015 E-mail:

Last revision date: 7 Jan 2025