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Guide to Application for Import Licence for Frozen Meat, Chilled Meat, Frozen Poultry and Chilled Poultry

Registration of cold storage

Appendix II


Centre for Food Safety

Application for Registration as Cold Storage

for Imported Frozen/Chilled Meat and Poultry

Part A : Note for Registration

Imported frozen/chilled meat and poultry are required to be stored in registered cold storages to ensure food hygiene and safety.
Cold stores licensed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department are automatically registered as the cold storages for imported frozen/chilled meat and poultry and other food premises may be registered subject to the criteria as listed in Part B below.

Part B : Criteria for Registration

The premises under application for registration as cold storage for imported frozen/chilled meat and poultry shall be a food premises licensed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
The applicant shall be the licensee of the food premises and the firm of the applicant has been registered with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for the import of frozen/chilled meat and poultry.
Adequate cold storage space should be provided and the storage of imported frozen/chilled meat and poultry on the premises must be compatible with the nature of the business of the premises licensed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

Part C : Document to be attached

Copy of the food business licence of the premises under application has to be attached with this application.

Part D : Particulars of Application

(a) Particulars of Applicant :
(i) Name of: Applicant: ___________________________
(ii) Name of Applicant's firm registered for the import of meat and poultry: __________________
(iii) Contact Tel. No. : __________________________  
(iv) Fax No. : __________________________  
(b) Particulars of Premises under Application for Registration :
(i) Address   :__________________________________________
(ii) Shop Sign   :__________________________________________
(iii) Type of Food Business Licence held : General Restaurant / Food Factory /Factory Canteen / Fresh Provision Shop *
Date : ______________________ Signature of Applicant : ______________________

* Delete if inappropriate.

Application form to be sent to :

Food Importer / Distributor Registration and Import Licensing Office
Food Import & Export Section
Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Room 119, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel. : 2156 3041-2 Fax. : 2156 1015

Statement of Purpose

(under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance)

Purpose of Collection

1. The personal data are provided by individuals with whom the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department interacts in controlling food safety. The personal data provided will be used by this Department for controlling food safety. The provision of personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to provide assistance to you.

Classes of Transferees

2. The personal data you provide are mainly for use within this Department but they may also be disclosed to other Government branches and departments or relevant parties for the purposes mentioned in para. 1 above, if required. Apart from this, the data may only be disclosed to parties where you have given consent to such disclosure or where such disclosure is allowed under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

Access to Personal Data

3. You have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your right of access included the right to obtain a copy of your personal data. A fee may be imposed for complying with a data access request.


4. Enquiries concerning the personal data provided, including making access and corrections, should be addressed to:

Senior Health Inspector (Import/Export) Import Licensing
Food Importer / Distributor Registration and Import Licensing Office
Food Import & Export Section
Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Room 119, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel. No. : 2156 3040
(Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)

Last revision date: 31 Dec 2021