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Import Control and Food Safety Guidelines

Guide to Application for Permission to Import Game and Prohibited Meat


The purpose of this guide is to provide general guidelines for importers who wish to import game or prohibited meat into Hong Kong.

Statutory Requirements

2.  In accordance with Regulation 4(1)(b) of the Imported Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations (Cap. 132AK), no person shall import game or prohibited meat into Hong Kong, whether directly imported or transhipped, otherwise than with the permission in writing of this Department and subject to such conditions as the Department may impose.

Application for Import Permission

3.  Game or prohibited meat must be imported with a health certificate issued by an issuing entity recognised by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene.  To this effect,  relevant import protocol has to be established between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the place of origin of the game or prohibited meat.  Importers who wish to import game or meat (including prohibited meat) could make reference to the information on the current Food Import Protocol to ascertain whether the subject food types comply with the requirements for import into Hong Kong.

4.  Game and prohibited meat are defined under Cap. 132AK.  In general,“game”means the fresh or frozen carcass, flesh or other edible part, including edible viscera and offal, of an animal (such as deer, crocodiles and pigeons) other than meat derived from cattle, sheep, pigs, calves or lambs and poultry derived from chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys; and prohibited meat refers to scrap meat, minced meat and meat trimmings, etc.

5.  In making applications for permission to import game or prohibited meat, importers should provide this Department with the following information:


  1. Food description and the scientific name of the animal; and
  2. Place of origin, as well as details of the slaughtering plant and processing plant.

Prohibited Meat

  1. Food description;
  2. Place of origin ; and
  3. Manufacturing process and ingredient list of the meat product concerned.

Submission of Applications

6.  Application for import permission can be made in the following ways:

(a) Online Application

  • Importers who have opened user accounts on the Food Trader Portal (FTP) may submit their applications through the FTP website (; or
  • Importers who have linked up their user accounts of the Trade Single Window (TSW) and the FTP may access the FTP through the TSW to submit their applications.

(b) Paper Mode Application

  • Importers should complete an appropriate application form: (i) FEHB 285 for game; (ii) FEHB 286  for prohibited meat with Export Declaration issued by an eligible EU member state / United Kingdom; or (iii) FEHB 287 for prohibited meat with a health certificate, and then submit the form to the Food Import and Export Section of the Centre for Food Safety by post (43/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensways, Hong Kong) or by fax (No. 2521 4784).

Application Fee

7. There is no fee to be charged for application for import permission.

Validity of Import Permission

8. Import permission for game is valid for six months from the date of issue and that for prohibited meat is valid for one year from the date of issue.

Application Processing Time

9.  If all the required information provided by the applicant has met the application requirements, import permission may be granted within four working days.

Notes for Attention

10.  The applicant should pay attention to the following:

  1. According to the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60), import of frozen or chilled meat (including prohibited meat) requires an import licence. For each consignment of prohibited meat imported into Hong Kong, importers should obtain in advance an import licence from this Department.  For details of application for an import licence, please refer to the Guide to Application for Import Licence for Frozen Meat, Chilled Meat, Frozen Poultry and Chilled Poultry.
  2. Import of game does not require an import licence.


11. For enquiries, please contact the Food Import and Export Section (Tel. no.: 2867 5577) of this Department during office hours.  Enquiries may also be made to this Department by fax (No. 2521 4784) or e-mail (

Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Last revision date: 31 Oct 2024