Hong Kong Pesticide MRL Database

User Guides

Searching Appropriate Maximum Pesticide Residues Limits for Specific Food Commodities:

Search by Name of Individual Pesticide

(1) Press “Searching by Pesticide”. Key in the name of the individual pesticide or press “Show All” in the “Select Pesticide” menu to choose the individual pesticide of interest from the full list of pesticides.
(2a) MRLs/EMRLs for individual food commodity/food subgroup/food group:
Key in the name of the individual food commodity/food subgroup/food group of interest or press “Show All” in the “Select Food Commodity” menu to choose from the full list of food commodities, so as to show MRLs/EMRLs of the food commodity/food subgroup/food group of interest as stipulated in Schedule 1 to the Regulation.
(2b) MRLs/EMRLs for all food commodities:
Press “Show All” in the “Select Food Commodity” menu and choose “Select All Food Commodities” so as to show the full list of MRLs/EMRLs for the individual pesticide of interest as stipulated in Schedule 1 to the Regulation.

Search by Name of Individual Food Commodity/Food Subgroup/Food Group

(1) Press “Searching by Food”. Key in the name of the individual food commodity/food subgroup/food group or press “Show All” in the “Select Food Commodity” menu to choose the individual food commodity/food subgroup/food group of interest from the full list of food commodities.
(2a) MRLs/EMRLs for individual pesticide:
Key in the name of the individual pesticide of interest or press “Show All” in the “Select Pesticide” menu to choose from the full list of pesticides, so as to show MRLs/EMRLs of the pesticide of interest as stipulated in Schedule 1 to the Regulation.
(2b) MRLs/EMRLs for all pesticides:
Press “Show All” in the “Select Pesticide” menu and choose “Select All Pesticides” so as to show the full list of MRLs/EMRLs for the individual food commodity/food subgroup/food group of interest as stipulated in Schedule 1 to the Regulation.

Special notes to users


Processed Food and Compounded Food

Foods of Animal Origin