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Food Safety Focus

The Launch of the CFS Foodsafe Movie Channel

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Food Safety Focus (175th Issue, February 2021) – Food Incident Highlight

The Launch of the CFS Foodsafe Movie Channel

To raise the public's awareness of food safety, the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) launched a new online video campaign called the 'Foodsafe Movie Channel' on 7 January 2021. The CFS'  mascots, On and Mui, will go through important food safety messages with the public in this series through the remaking of classic scenes in popular Hong Kong movies. Through a few well-known favourites, the public can gain practical food safety knowledge in a fun and enjoyable way, and practise safer food handling and well-informed food choices as a result.

The 'Foodsafe Movie Channel' is now available on the CFS' YouTube channel, and co-streamed on the CFS' Facebook and Instagram pages. New movies will be uploaded from time to time. Please follow us and introduce the movie series to your friends and family!

Figure 3: The second video of the Foodsafe Movie Channel has been released on 2 February 2021.

Last revision date: 9 Apr 2021