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Food Safety Focus

The Launch of the CFS ‘EAT TV’ Food Safety Channel

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Food Safety Focus (190th Issue, May 2022) – Article 4

The Launch of the CFS‘EAT TV’Food Safety Channel

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has launched a brand-new online short video campaign, 'EAT TV' food safety channel, to complement the well-received 'EatSafe: CFS Channel'. The programme shares important food safety messages with the public through entertainment, using the CFS' mascots, On and Mui, to promote a safer and healthier diet.

 The humorous short videos cover a variety of food safety topics, such as tetrodotoxin in puffer fish, the inherent risk of consuming high-risk food, and the importance of proper storage of takeaway food to avoid food poisoning. Each short video tells a different story and concludes with practical food safety tips.

 The 'EAT TV' Food Safety Channel is now available on the CFS' YouTube channel, as well as on the CFS' Facebook and Instagram pages. Please share the video series with your family and friends.

Last revision date: 18 May 2022