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Food Safety Focus (216th Issue, July 2024) – Article 3

Surplus Food – Keeping it Safe while Reducing Waste

With increasing social awareness of supporting people in need of food while reducing food waste, more people are willing to donate food in good condition that would otherwise be disposed of. Locally, there are tens of organisations that accept food donations.

It is important to ensure food safety of donated food. Undamaged, unopened, unexpired and shelf-stable prepackaged food is generally accepted from the general public. Some food banks may also accept foods that are past the “best before” dates, as they are safe for consumption, although they may not be of the highest quality.  Some food banks also accept bulk donations of fresh produce, chilled and frozen food products from commercial entities. 

Food banks should conduct stock inspections of donated food. Food that is damaged or has signs of previous improper storage and handling should be disposed of.  Use the prepackaged food according to the date of expiration. Collected food should be stored properly before re-distribution.