[ Index | Food Nutrient Calculator ] |
- The Food Nutrient Finder is for browsing information about a specific food or nutrient. To estimate the nutrient intake from selected foods using the available data from NIIS, go to the Food Nutrient Calculator.
- Read the User Guide before browsing the information by Food Groups/ Subgroups or by Food Items.
- The sources of data are from:
- The Nutrient Data Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture (SR22),
- The institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CFC2002Ed2)
- The Food Research Laboratory of the Centre for Food Safety (FRL),
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand (2022). Australian Food Composition Database – Release 2. Canberra: FSANZ. Available at www.foodstandards.gov.au (© Food Standards Australia New Zealand)*, and
- Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand (FCD2002).
* Licence Agreement: https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/science-data/monitoringnutrients/afcd/datauserlicenceagreement
There are limitations associated with food composition databases. Food composition data used in the database or databases may represent an average of the nutrient content of a particular sample of foods and ingredients, determined at a particular time. The nutrient composition of foods and ingredients can vary substantially between batches and brands because of a number of factors, including changes in season, processing practices and ingredient source, and methods of calculation.
The Work is based on Australian data and Australia data may not be appropriate for use in other countries. - Users should note that the nutrient content of the same food may vary and is dependent on many factors such as the food processing methods, sources of the food supply etc.
- CFS has made the best effort to reflect the information provided by the various sources in this database as appropriate. For original data, please refer to the original sources. Users should also note that data from other sources may not be appropriate for use in local situations. The information (e.g. food names) for SR22, © Food Standards Australia New Zealand and FCD2002 has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
- Food items are categorised into 24 food groups, each divided into a number of food subgroups (if available). Similar food items are grouped into the same food subgroup. For example, chicken wing (food item) is classified as “poultry and poultry products” and “chicken and chicken products” under the food group and food subgroup respectively.
- This database also provides result tables of more than 20 nutrition-related risk assessment studies conducted by CFS.
User guide
- Definition and abbreviation
- The content of a particular nutrient in a food item is expressed as the amount of the nutrient per 100 g edible portion of the food concerned, unless otherwise stated. The information in the Reference Measure (Unit and Unit Weight) on both Trans Fatty Acid Content of Local Foods table and Alcohol Content of Local Alcoholic Beverages table is from different sources including various food composition databases and for reference only.
- The value of energy provided by © Food Standards Australia New Zealand represents the energy content without dietary fibre. The value provided is in kilojoules (kJ), which is converted to kilocalories (kcal) in this database system using the conversion factor suggested by © Food Standards Australia New Zealand (1 kcal = 4.2 kJ).
- The value of carbohydrate represents the total carbohydrate content of food provided by SR22 and CFC2002Ed2; and that represents the available carbohydrate content of food provided by © Food Standards Australia New Zealand and FRL.
- The value of dietary fibre represents the total dietary fibre content of food provided by SR22, © Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and FRL; and that represents the insoluble fibre content of food provided by CFC2002Ed2.
- “NA” stands for relevant nutrient data for that particular food item is not available.
- “ND” stands for relevant nutrient data for that particular food item is not detectable.
- “Trace” stands for appropriate relevant nutrient data for that particular food item is in trace amount.
- Browse Nutrient Information by Food Groups/ Subgroups
- Users could choose one of the 24 food groups (or their corresponding food subgroups) to display energy and 9 core nutrients for foods under the selected food group/ food subgroup. The 9 nutrients are protein, carbohydrate, total fat, dietary fibre, sugars, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium. Information could be sorted in alphanumerical order when a relevant field is clicked (▲indicates the field is activated and being sorted in an ascending order, and ▼indicates a descending order).
- Display energy and 18 nutrient data on a specific food in the selected food group/ subgroup: when click on 1 food name, the data will be displayed in a separate table, with the same output as ‘Browse by Food Items’.
- Display local alcohol data on alcoholic beverages: the data will be displayed in a table at the bottom of the nutrient information table of the alcoholic beverages.
- Display local trans fat data on available foods: the data will be displayed in a table at the bottom of the nutrient information table of the selected food groups/ subgroups, if available.
- Users could specify energy or one of the 18 nutrients to be displayed after selecting a food group/ subgroup. Information could be sorted in alphanumerical order when a relevant field is clicked (▲ or ▼ indicates the field is activated). The 18 nutrients are grouped as follows:
- Major components: Protein, carbohydrate, total fats, dietary fibre and sugar.
- Lipids: Saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.
- Minerals and Vitamins: Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and vitamin C.
- Users could choose one of the 24 food groups (or their corresponding food subgroups) to display energy and 9 core nutrients for foods under the selected food group/ food subgroup. The 9 nutrients are protein, carbohydrate, total fat, dietary fibre, sugars, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium. Information could be sorted in alphanumerical order when a relevant field is clicked (▲indicates the field is activated and being sorted in an ascending order, and ▼indicates a descending order).
- Browse Nutrient Information by Food Items
- Users could type in a food name into one or two text boxes for displaying its energy and the 18 nutrient data.
- Browse fresh fish or vegetable reference pictures
- Pictures of 41 fresh fishes were collated from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), and the Fish Marketing Organization (FMO).
- Pictures of 83 fresh vegetables were collated from the Vegetable Marketing Organization (VMO).
- Users could browse the pictures via the respectively food group/ subgroup or via key word search shown at the top of the food group/ subgroup (if relevant) page.
- Alias (only applicable to the Chinese interfaces)
- Alias of some food items are provided in the traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese websites. Where available, they will be displayed as follows:
- In a column of the food group / food subgroup’s nutrient information tables, or
- In a row of the food item’s nutrient information tables.
- Users could browse a particular food item’s nutrient information by searching their corresponding alias.
- Alias of some food items are provided in the traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese websites. Where available, they will be displayed as follows:
Note: For nutritional information and advice, please visit the Department of Health's website at https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/25/8800.html, or consult relevant health professionals.