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Press Release

Test results of dairy product samples

In view of public concerns over the dairy product incident, the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has collected for testing three samples of international brands of milk powder which are manufactured on the Mainland and available locally. These three samples had been tested negative of melamine and the results were announced earlier.

The CFS further took 27 samples of milk products for tests over the weekend and holiday, including 11 samples of three Taiwan-produced canned drinks and 16 Mainland-produced fresh milk, ice-cream, ice-cream bars, and yogurt. Among these, one sample of yogurt flavoured ice bar was found to contain trace amount of melamine.

"The level of melamine detected in the ice bar sample was 15ppm. Based on this level, normal consumption will not pose major health effects. However, it is not advisable for small children to eat the ice bar," a CFS spokesman said today (September 16).

Details of the product are as follows: Natural Choice Yogurt Flavoured Ice Bar with Real Fruit (net volume: 90ml); Manufacturer - Shanghai Yili AB Foods Co. Ltd.

Regarding effects on humans, according to the standards of US Food and Drug Administration, the safety reference value (i.e. tolerable daily intake) for melamine is 0.63 mg per kg of body weight per day.

Results of risk assessment indicated that a 60-kg adult who consumes more than 2.5 kg (i.e. 22 pieces) of the ice bar in question per day would have the dietary exposure to melamine exceeding the safety reference value, whereas a 30-kg child who consumes more than 1.25 kg (i.e. 11 pieces) of the ice bar per day would have the dietary exposure exceeding the safety reference value.

The spokesman added that, as the level of melamine detected is very low, it is possible that the ice bar was contaminated by utensils in the production process, and the CFS is contacting the manufacturer for more information. The importer will recall the product concerned.

The CFS will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure food safety.

List of food samples taken for tests


Food sample in which Melamine was detected

Manufacturer's name & address
1. Natural Choice Yogurt Flavoured Ice Bar with Real Fruit
( 淨體積 : 90 毫升 )
Manufacturer: Shanghai Yili AB Foods Co., Ltd
Address: No. 269 Beidou Road , Minhang Zone, Shanghai P.R. of China

Food samples in which Melamine was not detected

Manufacturer's name & address
1. KLIM Instant Full Cream Milk Powder (1.8 kg)
( 淨重 : 1.8 千克 )
Manufacturer: Nestle Shuangcheng Ltd.
Address: Friendship Road , Shuangcheng City , Heilongjiang Province, PRC
2. Nestle Carnation Calcium Plus Non Fat Milk Powder (1.6 kg)
三花高鈣脫脂奶粉 ( 淨重 : 1600 克 )
Manufacturer: Nestle Shuangcheng Ltd.
Address: Friendship Road , Shuangcheng City , Heilongjiang Province, PRC
3. Nespray
3 + 歲以上
( 淨重 : 900 克 )
Manufacturer: Nestle Shuangcheng Ltd
Address: Nestle Shuangcheng Ltd., PRC
4. Nestle Dairy Farm Pure Milk
雀巢牛奶公司純牛奶 ( 淨容量 : 1 升 )
Manufacturer: Nestle Qingdao Ltd.
Address: Weihai Xi Lu, Laixi City , Qingdao , P.R. China
5. Mengniu Pure Milk
( 淨體積 : 250 毫升 )
製造商:中國內蒙古蒙牛乳業 ( 集團 ) 股份有限公司
地址 : 中國內蒙古呼和浩特市和林格爾盛樂經濟園區
6. Monmilk Breakfast Milk Walnut Milk Beverage
( 淨體積 : 250 毫升 )
製造商:中國內蒙古蒙牛乳業 ( 集團 ) 股份有限公司
地址 : 中國內蒙古呼和浩特市和林格爾盛樂經濟園區
7. Monmilk Suan Suan Ru Sour Milk Beverage (Mango Flavour)
蒙牛酸酸乳酸味奶類飲品 ( 芒果味 )
( 淨體積 : 250 毫升 )
製造商:中國內蒙古蒙牛乳業 ( 集團 ) 股份有限公司
地址 : 中國內蒙古呼和浩特市和林格爾盛樂經濟園區
8. Monmilk
Milk Deluxe Pure Milk
( 淨體積 : 250 毫升 )
製造商:中國內蒙古蒙牛乳業 ( 集團 ) 股份有限公司
地址 : 中國內蒙古呼和浩特市和林格爾盛樂經濟園區
9. Yili High Calcium Low Fat Milk Beverage
( 淨體積 : 250 毫升 )
地址 : 中國內蒙古呼和浩特市金川開發區金三道 2 號
10. Dutch Lady Pure Milk
( 淨容量 : 1 公升 )
Manufacturer: Tianjian Dutch Lady Dairy Foods Co., Ltd.
Address: South of Dongting Road , Hexi District, Tianjin , PRC
11. Vita Fresh Milk
( 淨容量 : 236 毫升 )
地址 : 中國廣東省深圳市光明華僑畜牧塲
12. Nestle Vanilla Flavour Ice Cream Cone
雀巢雲呢嗱味雪糕甜筒 (8 支盒裝 )
Manufacturer: Nestle Tianjin Ltd.
Address: No.149 Nanhai Road , TEDA, Tianjin , PRC
13. Nestle Chocolate Flavour Ice Cream Cone
雀巢朱古力味雪糕甜筒 (8 支盒裝 )
Manufacturer: Nestle Tianjin Ltd.
Address: No.149 Nanhai Road , TEDA, Tianjin , PRC
14. Meiji Ujikintoki (red bean and green tea frozen confection)
(6 支盒裝 :6 x 75 克 )
Manufacturer: Guangdong M&F- Yan Tang Dairy Products Co., Ltd
Address: Datanggang Shahe, Guangzhou , China
15. Meiji Hokkaido Azuki (red bean ice cream)
(6 支盒裝 :6 x 70 克 )
Manufacturer: Guangdong M&F- Yan Tang Dairy Products Co., Ltd
Address: Datanggang Shahe, Guangzhou , China
16. Trappist Dairy Low Fat Yogurt Drink
( 淨容量 : 200 毫升 )
地址 : 香港元朗青山公路二十八咪半
17. Strawberry Sorbet
戀愛果實士多啤梨雪巴 ( 淨重 : 54 克 )
Manufacturer: Xincheng Greenearth Food Co., Ltd
Address: No.62 Xingjianzhai, Huazhou Road , Pudong, Shanghai , China
18. Natural Choice Milk Ice Bar
( 淨體積 : 85 毫升 )
Manufacturer: Shanghai Yili AB Foods Co., Ltd
Address: No. 269 Beidou Road, Minhang Zone, Shanghai P.R. of China
19. 牛奶木瓜口味飲料 (Papaya Milk Drink) (350ml) -- 尚効 製造商:春喬食品興業股份有限公司 ( 地址 : 台灣彰化縣員林鎮鎮興里山腳路 3 段 25 巷 72 號 )
20. 阿薩姆奶茶 (Assam Milk Tea) (350ml) -- 尚効 製造商:春喬食品興業股份有限公司 ( 地址 : 台灣彰化縣員林鎮鎮興里山腳路 3 段 25 巷 72 號 )
21. 藍山炭燒咖啡 (Carbonize Coffee) (280ml) -- 尚効 製造商:春喬食品興業股份有限公司 ( 地址 : 台灣彰化縣員林鎮鎮興里山腳路 3 段 25 巷 72 號 )

Ends/Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Last revision date: 2 Jun 2017