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Press Release

Latest test results of dairy product samples (with table)

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (October 6) released the latest batch of results of melamine tests on dairy products.

Results available today showed that all the 110 samples tested were satisfactory. These included milk powder, soya drinks, yoghurt, cheese, butter, frozen confections, baby food, biscuits, cookies, macaroni, milk and cream.

"Apart from formula for baby and growth, we have also collected samples of other milk powder for testing. So far, we have tested about 50 samples of other milk powder, including formula for adults, pregnant as well as lactating women, and all are satisfactory. We will continue to collect samples of dairy products and products with dairy ingredients for testing.

"Test results for some yoghurt, frozen confections, chocolates, nutrition supplements for hospital use and soup with cream will be available tomorrow," a spokesman for the CFS said.

Information on the test results can be found on the CFS's website,

For enquiries, people can also call the CFS's enquiry number 2381 6096. As the number of callers has dropped in recent days, the manned hours of the enquiry line will be from 9am to 6pm daily, starting tomorrow (October 7). The service hours for today remain 9am to 9pm.

Ends/Monday, October 6, 2008

Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine (Samples 1-18)

Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine (Samples 19-37)

Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine (Samples 38-87)

Last revision date: 19 May 2017