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Press Release

Latest test results on melamine (with table)

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (October 10) released the latest batch of results of melamine tests.

Results showed that all the 99 samples tested were satisfactory. These included milk and milk products, frozen confections, cream, biscuits and nutrition supplements for hospital use.

"Test results for milk and milk products, frozen confections, baby food, biscuits and chocolate will be available tomorrow."a spokesman for the CFS said.

"The CFS adopts a risk-based approach in collecting and analysing food samples for melamine. This has enabled us to have a systematic and comprehensive surveillance of products likely to be affected by melamine."

"We have completed one round of sampling for all milk powder commonly available in the local market, including infant formula, pregnant women's formula, follow-up and children's formula. Sampling for milk products and frozen confections from the Mainland and local factories has also been completed."

"For milk and frozen confections from overseas, tests of samples found in the market are expected to be completed within this week. In addition, we have tested more than 700 samples of other food or drinks with dairy ingredients."

The centre would continue to test food items with dairy ingredients. Products may be re-checked if necessary, such as those found to contain melamine by overseas authorities or other organisations, the spokesman said.

"The CFS plans to continue its sampling and laboratory analyses from Monday to Saturday starting this week. Results of samples submitted on a Saturday will be available the next Monday, so there will be no announcement of results on Sundays." the spokesman said.

"However, we will, as usual, test each consignment of Mainland fresh milk daily upon importation. The consignment will be allowed to enter the market only when it has passed the test."

Information on the test results can be found on the CFS's website, For enquiries, people can also call the CFS's enquiry number 2381 6096 which operates from 9am to 6pm daily.

Ends/Friday, October 10, 2008

Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine (Samples 1-45)

Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine (Samples 46-87)

Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine (Samples 88-92)

Last revision date: 19 May 2017