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Press Release

Warning on pistachio products with suspected Salmonella contamination (with table)

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (April 1) advised people not to consume certain batches of US pistachio products which are suspected to have been contaminated with Salmonella.

US authorities said the manufacturer concerned was recalling all pistachios and related products supplied by Setton Farms after September 1, 2008, as a precautionary measure. The pistachios are suspected to have been contaminated with Salmonella.

A total of 28 "Planters" products and eight "Back To Nature" products are affected. Details of the products are listed in the annexed table.

"We also appeal to the trade to stop selling the affected products," a CFS spokesman said.

"The CFS has been in close contact with the US authorities in regard to the Salmonella contamination incident in the country. The US authorities have pledged to inform the CFS of any affected products found to have been exported to Hong Kong. We are also contacting local food manufacturers on whether they have used the concerned products. The CFS will continue to follow up on the latest developments and will collect samples of pistachio products for tests."

Consumers and the trade can obtain the latest information of the recalled pistachio products from the US Food and Drug Administration website at

"If consumers are in possession of any of the recalled products, they should not consume them. They should dispose of them and thoroughly wash their hands afterwards. The CFS has also alerted the trade and is closely monitoring the situation."

Salmonella is a pathogen that may cause food poisoning. The symptoms include nausea, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting. The symptoms are more severe in infants and the elderly.

Ends/Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pistachios and related products being recalled in the US

Last revision date: 19 May 2017