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Press Release

CFS follows up on infant formula with possible Enterobacter sakazakii contamination in US

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has contacted the US authorities and the Hong Kong importer to obtain a better understanding of the situation following agency reports that a powdered infant formula manufactured by Mead Johnson had possibly been contaminated with Enterobacter sakazakii, a spokesman for the CFS said.

According to information provided by Mead Johnson Nutrition (Hong Kong) Limited, the affected type of powdered infant formula has not been imported into Hong Kong.

Details of the powdered infant formula being recalled in the US are as follows:

Manufacturer: Mead Johnson
Product name: Enfamil Newborn Premium Powder (12.5 oz)
Lot number: ZP1K7G

"The CFS will strengthen the sampling of different types of powdered infant formula of the same brand for testing of Enterobacter sakazakii," the spokesman said.

The CFS conducts regular food surveillance based on risk and takes samples (including powdered milk) from import, wholesale and retail levels for microbiological, chemical and radiation testings. A total of 100 samples of powdered infant formula have been collected for testing of Enterobacter sakazakii this year and all the results were satisfactory.

Enterobacter sakazakii can be found in the environment, but it generally causes disease only in people with weakened immune systems. Enterobacter sakazakii can cause invasive infection such as blood stream infection or meningitis. Neonates (28 days old or below) and infants less than two months of age, in particular pre-term infants, low-birth-weight infants (less than 2.5 kilograms) and infants with weakened immunity, are at greater risk. For high-risk infants who cannot be breastfed, caregivers are encouraged to use, whenever possible and feasible, commercially sterile liquid formula.

"According to the recommendation by Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization, reconstitution of powdered infant formula with water that is no less than 70 degrees Celsius can significantly inactivate Enterobacter sakazakii. Parents should then cool it down to a suitable temperature to feed the infant. Reconstituted milk should be consumed within two hours," the spokesman said.

"The CFS will continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate actions. For more information on Enterobacter sakazakii, please browse the risk in brief on our website," he said. The website address is .

Ends/Friday, December 23, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:45

Last revision date: 19 May 2017