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Press Release

CFS announces food safety report for October

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (November 30) released the findings of its food safety report for October. Of the 9,900 food samples tested, seven were found to be unsatisfactory and the overall satisfactory rate was 99.9 per cent.

A CFS spokesman said about 3,900 food samples were taken for chemical tests. Some 1,300 samples were collected for microbiological tests and the remaining 4,700 (including about 4,600 samples taken from food imported from Japan) for testing of radiation levels.

The microbiological tests covered pathogens and hygienic indicators while the chemical tests aimed at detecting pesticides, preservatives, metallic contamination, colouring matters, veterinary drug residues, plasticisers and others.

The samples included vegetables and fruits and their products; meat and poultry and their products; aquatic products; milk, milk products and frozen confections; and cereals, grains and their products.

Vegetables, fruits and their products

The CFS took about 2,800 samples of fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, preserved vegetables and pickled fruits, dried vegetables and ready-to-eat vegetables for analyses. All samples passed the tests.

Meat, poultry and their products

The CFS completed the testing of about 600 samples, including fresh, chilled and frozen pork, beef and poultry, ready-to-eat dishes of meat and poultry served at food establishments, and meat- and poultry-made products, such as Chinese preserved meat, sausages and ham. Five samples of fresh beef were found to contain the preservative sulphur dioxide, which is not permitted in fresh, frozen and chilled meat, at levels ranging between 13 parts per million (ppm) and 500 ppm.

"Sulphur dioxide is a low-toxic preservative. Based on the levels detected, it is unlikely that the samples would pose any adverse health effect upon normal consumption. However, individuals who are allergic to this preservative may have symptoms like breathing difficulty, headache and nausea," the spokesman said.

Samples for other tests (e.g. pathogens, veterinary drug residues and colouring matters) were found to be satisfactory.

Aquatic products

The CFS took some 1,600 samples of fish, shellfish, shrimp, prawn, crab and squid and their products for analysis. All samples were satisfactory.

Milk, milk products and frozen confections

About 400 samples of ice-cream, cheese, milk and milk products were collected for tests. All of them passed the tests.

Cereals, grains and their products

The CFS took about 500 samples of rice, noodles, flour, bread and breakfast cereals for analyses. All samples passed the tests.

Other food commodities

The CFS took about 4,000 food samples consisting of mixed dishes, dim sum, beverages, sushi, sashimi, sugar, sweets, condiments, sauces, snacks, eggs and egg products for tests.

A sample of fried Chinese lettuce with preserved bean curd and shredded chili and a sample of cold soymilk were detected to contain Bacillus cereus at levels of 120,000 per gram and 180,000 per millilitre respectively, exceeding the guideline limit of no more than 100,000 per gram or per millilitre.

"Bacillus cereus may cause gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea," the spokesman said.

Samples for other tests (e.g. preservatives, metallic contaminations, veterinary drug residues and colouring matters) were found to be satisfactory.


The CFS has taken follow-up actions on all the unsatisfactory samples including tracing the source of the food items in question, asking the vendors concerned to stop sale and dispose of the affected food, taking follow-up food samples and issuing warning letters. Prosecution will be taken if there is sufficient evidence.

"Sulphur dioxide is of low toxicity. As it is water-soluble, most of it can be removed through washing and cooking," the spokesman said.

He advised consumers to patronise reliable market stalls, fresh provision shops and food premises, and not to buy or consume meat which is unnaturally red.

The spokesman appealed to the food trade to comply with the law and not to use sulphur dioxide in fresh, chilled or frozen meat.

"Under the Preservatives in Food Regulation (subsidiary legislation of Cap 132BD), it is an offence to sell fresh, chilled or frozen meat containing sulphur dioxide. The maximum penalty is a $50,000 fine and six months' imprisonment. Upon conviction, the FEHD would suspend or cancel the fresh provision shop licence concerned under the Demerit Points System. For offences related to public market stalls, the tenancy may be terminated in accordance with the current mechanism," he said.

He also reminded retailers to source food from reliable suppliers and maintain a good recording system in accordance with the Food Safety Ordinance to allow source tracing if needed.

Ends/Friday, November 30, 2012
Issued at HKT 16:13

Last revision date: 19 May 2017