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Press Release

CFS releases test results on preservatives in preserved fruits and vegetables

According to a targeted food surveillance project recently conducted by the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to assess the use of preservatives in preserved fruits and vegetables, two out of 450 samples collected were found unsatisfactory. The overall satisfactory rate was 99.6 per cent.

Announcing the results of the project today (January 18), a spokesman for the CFS said that 450 samples of preserved vegetables (such as cucumber, radish, leaf mustard, rakkyo, ginger and chillies) and preserved fruits (such as dried mango, dried pineapple, raisins, apricots, plums, dried apple rings, sour peach and olives) at different retail outlets (including supermarkets, grocery stores, snack shops and market stalls) were collected in October and November last year for preservative testing of sulphur dioxide, benzoic acid, sorbic acid and parabens.

"Of the two unsatisfactory samples, one sample of preserved sweet potato was found to contain sorbic acid, which is not permitted to be used in that type of food, at a level of 472 parts per million (ppm). A sample of preserved pummelo was found to contain benzoic acid at a level of 1,300 ppm, exceeding the legal limit of 1,000 ppm. Results of these two unsatisfactory samples were announced in the food safety report for November 2012," the spokesman said.

"Sorbic acid and benzoic acid are preservatives of low-toxicity. Based on the levels detected, it is unlikely that the samples would pose any adverse health effect upon normal consumption. The CFS has traced the source of the food items in question, requested the vendors concerned to stop sale and to dispose of the affected food, and issued warning letters. If there is sufficient evidence, prosecution will be taken," he added.

The use of preservatives in food must comply with the Preservatives in Food Regulation. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment upon conviction.

The spokesman reminded the food trade to follow good manufacturing practice, comply with the legal requirements when using preservatives, and source food and ingredients from reliable sources. In addition, they should comply with the requirements of the Food Safety Ordinance by preserving a good recording system so that sources of food can be traced whenever necessary.

He advised members of the public to buy food from reliable suppliers, and to maintain a balanced diet so as to avoid over-absorption of certain harmful substances as a result of frequent consumption of a small range of food items.

Ends/Friday, January 18, 2013
Issued at HKT 14:31

Last revision date: 19 May 2017