Highlights of Sharing Session cum Award Presentation Ceremony

The Centre for Food Safety organised the Sharing Session cum Award Presentation Ceremony of "Live it, Use it" Nutrition Labelling Promotion Award Scheme and Fun Shopping Award Scheme on 8 July 2013 (Monday). The Sharing Session was held at 11: 00 a.m. at Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library. Representatives of schools and community organisations shared their experience in promoting nutrition labelling. The Award Presentation Ceremony began at 3:00 p.m. and was officiated by Mr. Clement Leung, Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene. The posters designed by the school teams and shopping diaries prepared by the individual award winners of the Fun Shopping Award Scheme were exhibited at the event venue.

Sharing Session

Representative of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service (Community Nutrition Division) (winner of the "Best Presentation Award" (Community Organisation Group) and the Gold Prize winner of  "Live it, Use it" Nutrition Labelling Fun Shopping Award Scheme (Community Organisation Group)) shares with the audience the way the community organisation to promote message on nutrition labelling to public from different walks of life.

Award Presentation Ceremony

The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, Mr Clement Leung (second right), shares with the audience his experience of using nutrition labels to choose prepackaged foods in daily life.

The Controller of the Centre for Food Safety, Dr Gloria Tam (right), presents a certificate of appreciation to the representative of a community organisation participating in the "Live it, Use it" Nutrition Labelling Fun Shopping Award Scheme.

Mr Cliff Choi, Business Director, Public Engagement & Partnership of Hong Kong Council of Social Service (right), presents the Outstanding Prize to a winner of the Nutrition Labelling Fun Shopping Award Scheme (Individual Participant Section).

Students of Hong Kong True Light College, Nutrition Labelling Promotion Award Scheme (Senior Group) Silver Prize winner, demonstrate and lead the audience to join the nutrition labelling dance.

Guests take group photos with the participants and awardees of the "Live it, Use it" Nutrition Labelling Promotion Award Scheme and Fun Shopping Award Scheme.