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Use of Sulphur Dioxide in Fresh Meat


  1. Sulphur dioxide is a widely used food additive in the food manufacturing industry, including its use as a preservative in a variety of foods e.g. preserved fruits and fruit juice.
  2. In Hong Kong, the application of sulphur dioxide in fresh meat is not permitted under the Preservatives in Food Regulation of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap.132.

Risk Assessment and Public Health Significance

  1. Sulphur dioxide has the property of retaining the desirable fresh meat colour (purplish-red or cherry-red). Some fresh provision shops and market stalls use sulphur dioxide on one hand to retain the fresh meat colour so as to increase the display time of the meat, and on the other hand, to retain the colour of thawed meat to deceive customers into believing that such meat are fresh.
  2. Sulphur dioxide is of low toxicity. As it is water soluble, most of it can be removed through washing and cooking. However, susceptible individuals who are allergic to sulphur dioxide may experience breathing difficulties, headache and nausea.

Control Measures and Surveillance Findings

  1. The testing of sulphur dioxide in meat is included in our food surveillance programme.
  2. Any person found breaching the Preservatives in Food Regulation, Cap.132BD for sale of fresh, untreated chilled or frozen meat containing sulphur dioxide will be prosecuted. The maximum penalty is a fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for 6 months.
  3. In 2018, a total of 582 fresh meat samples were taken for testing of sulphur dioxide resulting in 4 vendors being prosecuted.

Advice to the Public

  1. Patronise licensed and reliable meat shops.
  2. When buying food, the public is advised to note whether the retailers are observing personal, food and environmental hygiene.
  3. Do not buy or consume meat which is unnaturally red.

Advice to the Trade

  1. Do not use sulphur dioxide in fresh meat.
  2. Ensure the meat is stored under hygienic condition and suitable temperature.
  3. Obtain meat from approved and reliable source.

Risk Assessment Section
Centre for Food Safety 
August 2019

Last revision date: 27 Aug 2019