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Alert Systems

Rapid Alert to Trade

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has been constantly monitoring food safety incidents from various overseas countries and areas and assessing their local public health implications. When local impact is possible, the CFS distributes the information to the trade and the public promptly so that they can take actions in a timely manner.

The dissemination work to the trade was enhanced when the CFS started to pilot a Rapid Alert System (RAS) in September 2007. The RAS was officially launched on 1 February 2008. Through this system, Rapid Alert messages are sent by a mass e-mail and fax system. The recipients may also receive a reminder through short message service (SMS) if their mobile telephone numbers are provided. In this connection, the trade can take timely appropriate action to minimise the public health impact, e.g. stop selling/recall concerned food products, and the traders are also encouraged to inform the CFS immediately if the concerned products are available.

Members of the trade who wish to receive the rapid alert message should register to the "Rapid Alert System" by submitting the completed Rapid Alert System Enrolment Form (Online Version)

Cancellation of registration or updating procedure
All registrant have a right to request updating or cancellation of registration. An interim reply will be given within 10 calendars days upon receipt of such request. In case a substantive reply cannot be made within 21 calendar days upon receipt of the request, we will update you on the progress. For cancellation of registration, all the data will be deleted from our backup system after 1 month. If email was bounced-back more than or equal to 3 times, the registrant will be automatically deleted from our operational system without any notice. For enquiry, please contact us at 2867 5698 during office hours.

(For enrolling through submitting the Rapid Alert System Enrolment Form (e-PDF version), please complete the form and return it by Fax or Email to 2893 3547 or respectively to Risk Communication Section, Centre for Food Safety for processing.)

Last revision date: 28 Sep 2021