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Results of Sample with Irregularity

Trace amount of malachite green in a Prepackaged Frozen Giant Salamander sample

Product name:

Frozen Meat of Giant Salamander


Not Applicable

Place of origin:


Processing Plant:

Zhuhai Hankee Biotechnology Co. Ltd


Hong Kong Hankee Import and Export Trading Company Limited

Net weight:

Not Applicable

Best-before date:

April 16, 2020

Non-compliant test parameters:

Malachite green was detected

Detected content:

Malachite green at level of 22 parts per billion was detected

Declared content:

Not Applicable

Sampling location:

A cold store in Kwai Chung


  1. The affected batches of the products are being kept in cold store and have not entered into the market.
  2. Prosecution will be instituted should there be sufficient evidence.
  3. According to Regulation 3A of the Harmful Substances in Food Regulations (Cap 132AF), if a person import, sell or consign or deliver for sale for human consumption, any meat which contains malachite green, he shall be guilty of an offence and be liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment upon conviction.
  4. The CFS has temporarily suspended the permission to import the product issued to the importer.
  5. The CFS has informed the Mainland authorities of the incident.
  6. The CFS will inform the importer, continue to follow up on the case and take appropriate action.

END/Friday, May 17, 2019

Last revision date: 17 May 2019