Coliform bacteria exceeds legal limit in Frozen Confections sample
Product name:
Daily Fresh
- Frozen Confections - Chocolate (12 x 90g)
- Frozen Confections - Durian (12 x 90g)
Daily Fresh
Place of origin:
Plant name and address:
Daily Fresh Foods Sdn Bhd
PLO 16, Jalan SR/3, Kawasan Perindustrian Simpang Renggam 1, 86200 Simpang Renggam, Johor, Malaysia
Kang Long Southasia Foods Company
Net weight:
- 54kg
- 108kg
Best-before date:
- 05.02.2022
- 17.02.2022
Non-compliant test parameters:
Contains more than 100 coliform bacteria per gram
Detected content:
- 5 samples from the same batch contain 450 to 630 coliform bacteria per gram
- 4 samples from the same batch contain 140 to 220 coliform bacteria per gram
Sampling location:
A cold store at Chai Wan
- The affected batches of the products are being kept in cold store and have not entered the market.
- Under the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap 132AC), frozen confection for sale should not contain more than 100 coliform bacteria per gram. The maximum penalty for offenders is a fine of $10,000 and three months' imprisonment upon conviction.
- CFS will temporarily suspended the permission to import for sale of the product concerned granted earlier to the importer.
- The CFS will inform the Malaysian authorities of the incident.
- The CFS has informed the importer, continue to follow up on the case and take appropriate action.
END/Monday, October 12, 2020