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Food Alerts / Allergy Alerts

Not to consume a kind of carbonated apple soft drink with possible presence of precipitate, mould and yeast

Issue Date 30.5.2023
Source of Information

Food Incident Surveillance System, the Centre for Food Safety (CFS)

Food Product

Carbonated apple soft drink 

Product Name and Description

Product name: Apple sidra

Brand: Apple sidra

Place of origin: Taiwan


(1) Huang Ju Food (International) Co., Limited for 330 ml and 600 ml products;

(2) International Leadway Limited for 600 ml and 1 250 ml products

Reason For Issuing Alert

The CFS noted a notification from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration that the above-mentioned product was being recalled in Taiwan due to the presence of precipitates, mould and yeast and was being recalled.

The CFS will alert the trade, continue to follow up on the incident and take appropriate action. Investigation is ongoing.

Action Taken by the Centre for Food Safety

Upon learning of the incident, the CFS immediately contacted the local importer for follow-up. A preliminary investigation found that the importers had imported into Hong Kong the product concerned. For the sake of prudence, the CFS has instructed the above-mentioned importers to stop sales and remove from shelves the affected products, and to initiate a recall.

Advice to the Trade

The trade should stop using or selling the affected batch of products immediately if they possess it.

Advice to Consumers

Do not consume the affected products and seek medical treatment if they feel unwell after consuming the product concerned.

Further Information

The CFS press release

Members of the public may call the hotline of the importers, (1) Huang Ju Food (International) Co., Limited (for 330 ml and 600 ml products) at 3425 4799, and (2) International Leadway Limited at 2350 6863 (for 600ml and 1 250ml products) during office hours for enquiries about the recall of the product concerned.

Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Last revision date: 7 Jun 2023