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Food Safety Focus (218th Issue, September 2024) – Article 2

What are HACCP and ISO 22000 and How Can They Help Food Safety?

Reported by Ms. Bibiana YUEN, Chief Health Inspector,
Risk Communication Section, Centre for Food Safety

Food safety is a critical aspect of public health and the food industry, pivotal for preventing foodborne illnesses and safeguarding consumers. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO 22000 are two well-known systems in food safety management. This article examines their functions, their differences, the benefits of adopting these systems and matters relating to obtaining certifications.

Understanding HACCP

The HACCP system is a scientific and systematic approach to identifying and controlling food safety hazards instead of relying on end-product testing. Originated from NASA in the 1960s to ensure the safety of astronauts' food, HACCP has evolved into a crux of food safety management. The system is based on the following seven principles , which guide food businesses in identifying potential hazards and implementing control measures:

  1. Conduct a hazard analysis and identify control measures;
  2. Determine critical control points (CCPs);
  3. Establish validated critical limits;
  4. Establish monitoring procedures;
  5. Establish corrective actions;
  6. Validate the HACCP plan and establish verification procedures; and
  7. Establish documentation.

HACCP covers all stages of the food supply chain, from production and processing to distribution and consumption. There are several steps involved in implementing HACCP .  The process begins with forming an HACCP team, detailing the product and its intended use, creating a production process flow diagram, and verifying its accuracy on-site. These initial steps lay the groundwork for implementing the seven fundamental principles.

Figure : 12 steps of HACCP

Understanding ISO 22000

ISO 22000 is an international standard for food safety management systems crafted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) initially in 2005 . The standard is structured into 10 sections with numerous clauses encompassing the following key elements:

ISO 22000 can be applied to any organisations in the food chain, from farm to fork, regardless of size and complexity. To facilitate integration of ISO 22000 with other management systems by enterprises, ISO 22000:2018 (the current edition) follows the same High Level Structure as other ISO management system standards.

Comparing HACCP and ISO 22000

The Codex Alimentarius (Codex) has endorsed the HACCP system as the most cost-effective approach for ensuring the safety of food since 1993. [CCY1] HACCP advocates a systematic and preventive approach to ensure food safety by applying 7 principles which also emphasise transparent and traceable processes through documentation and record-keeping.

ISO 22000 encompasses the HACCP principles but extends further and takes a broader view on food safety. While both systems emphasise the importance of basic conditions and activities to minimise hazards throughout production (known as PRPs), only ISO 22000 has specific requirements concerning PRPs[CCY1] [YBP12]  and their adherence.  Furthermore, ISO 22000 integrates additional elements of management principles like customer focus, process approach and continual improvement, which enhance the ability of the organisations to consistently deliver products and services that meet customer as well as food safety and regulatory demands.

Benefits of Practicing HACCP or ISO 22000 and Obtaining Certifications

In Hong Kong, although practicing HACCP is voluntary, it offers significant benefits including enhanced food safety and consumer protection. By identifying critical control points and implementing preventive measures, businesses can raise food safety standards, mitigate risks of contamination and foodborne illnesses, and ensure compliance with food safety regulations and standards established by regulatory authorities in export destinations.

Both HACCP and ISO 22000 certifications are attainable through a successful audit conducted by a recognised certification body. Certification bodies exist worldwide, (including Hong Kong) and can be found on the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) website. (

Certification under either HACCP or ISO 22000 demonstrates a commitment to food safety. Acquiring ISO certification further underscores compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements and meeting mutually agreed customer requirements related to food safety thereby bolstering credibility and enhancing competitiveness globally. In Hong Kong, food establishments that have fully implemented ISO 22000 and hold valid ISO 22000 certificates issued by accredited bodies can apply for recognition under the ‘Revised Inspection Regime for Licensed Food Premises’. For further information, please visit the FEHD website.