In a nutshell: Food handlers should refrain from working if they feel sick.

All food handlers at work must be free from the following symptoms of diseases:

If food handlers at work are suspected to be suffering or are suffering from any of the above symptoms, or they are a carrier of foodborne diseases (e.g. hepatitis A or Salmonella), they must:

If continuing to engage in other work in the food premises, food handlers suffering from a disease must take all practicable measures to prevent food from being contaminated as a result of the disease. Food handlers ceasing working due to an infectious disease should obtain a certificate from a doctor stating that they have recovered before they can resume handling food.

Visitor requirements

Visitors to places where food is being prepared should wear appropriate protective clothing and comply with the hygiene requirements in this chapter. Also, they should be aware of the following:

First aids

A fully equipped first aid kit must always be available in food premises. It should be:

Waterproof plasters

Waterproof plasters should be replaced regularly (preferably every 4 hours), because wounds may be infected with Staphylococcus aureus. Bright-coloured plasters should be used because they can be easily detected when falling into food, and they should be waterproof to prevent the blood and bacteria in wounds from contaminating food, as well as preventing raw meat from causing wound infections.

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