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Safe Kitchen

Waste management
In a nutshell: Food waste and other rubbish must be removed as soon as feasible, as they can be  a direct or indirect source of contamination, such as contaminating surfaces that food is prepared on or attracting pests.

Proper disposal of waste can help prevent cross-contamination of food and pest infestation while maintaining good hygiene.

  • Bins must be made of durable, waterproof and easy-to-clean materials. The top must be properly covered to prevent waste or waste water from leaking and attracting pests.

  • Use pedal-operated bins to avoid direct touch with the bins' surfaces. Wheels should be installed on bins to facilitate movement.

  • Bins must be kept clean and in good working order at all times.

  • Bins should not be stuffed to the brim and should not be brought to the lift with foods.

  • Carton boxes should not be discarded in food waste bins.

  • The garbage area should be well lit, ventilated and have unimpeded drains on the ground.

  • Containers for food and tableware should not be stored in the garbage area.

  • Staff who handle garbage must adhere to hygiene standards, such as wearing a hair restraint.

Waste oil 

There are physical or chemical contaminants in used or recovered waste oil. To limit the possibility of contaminating edible oil, waste oil must be collected in the following manner in suitable containers:

  • The waste oil container must not be overloaded. To avoid overflowing, a maximum of three-fourths filling capacity should be allowed.

  • For ease of use, place the container near the cooking stoves. It must be kept off the floor.

  • Schedule recyclers to collect waste oil regularly, preferably on a weekly basis.

  • Do not pour waste oil directly down the drains to prevent clogging and pest infestation.

  • If a leak or spillage occurs, warning signage must be placed immediately in the surrounding area to alert people to the slippery floor. Use dry towels to remove the waste oil from the floor as soon as possible.


Since waste water contains a significant number of microorganisms, the drains must always be kept clear to avoid the formation of off-odours:

  • The drains must be kept free flowing.   

  • The solid waste in grease traps should be cleared regularly by cleaning staff to avoid blocking the drains.        

  • Grease traps must be cleaned every night, and the solid waste collected must be placed in garbage bags and properly disposed of.


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Last revision date: 25 Nov 2022