
The electronic news (e-news) is regularly providing the most updated food safety information. You are invited to register your email address for receiving the e-news issued by the Centre for Food Safety (CFS), including Food Alerts, Index of CFS periodicals, information of activities, and other contents newly published or updated at the CFS website. If you also provide the optional information on your profession or field of work, we may provide you with additional information as relevant.

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Latest issue of E-News (20.6.2024)

(1) Food Safety Day 2024

To echo with World Food Safety Day on 7 June, the CFS is taking the chance this year to promote the importance of proper temperature control in safeguarding food safety, which is one of the key components of the 5 Keys.  We would also raise awareness on the use of the 5 Keys as the best measure in preventing foodborne diseases to food businesses and the public.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(2) The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) announces results of seasonal food surveillance on rice dumplings (second phase)

CFS of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced 3 June that the test results of 74 rice dumpling samples collected under a recently completed seasonal food surveillance project on rice dumplings (second phase) were all satisfactory.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(3) 'EAT TV SUPER' Food Safety Channel

The latest episode of EAT TV SUPER on cross-boundary meal order and delivery has premiered on the CFS’ YouTube channel, and is co-streamed on the CFS' Facebook and Instagram pages.

Please click into the webpage for details:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Erosi4Gg1k
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfs.hk/videos/1074100140361935/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cfs.hk/reel/C6Vu8hAqoUp/

(4) The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) strengthens crackdown on inbound persons illegally bringing regulated food into Hong Kong

In order to combat inbound persons illegally bringing regulated food into Hong Kong, the CFS has stepped up interception and mounted enforcement actions, and deployed quarantine detector dogs to assist law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties at various land boundary control points, all in an effort to safeguard public health.

Please click into the webpage for details:

Centre for Food Safety

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