The electronic news (e-news) is regularly providing the most updated food safety information. You are invited to register your email address for receiving the e-news issued by the Centre for Food Safety (CFS), including Food Alerts, Index of CFS periodicals, information of activities, and other contents newly published or updated at the CFS website.
Latest issue of E-News (20/3/2025)
(1) Risk Assessment Studies Report No. 77 - Iodine in Food
This study aims to examine the iodine levels in iodine-rich foods (both non-prepackaged and prepackaged) available in the local market. It supplements the information on iodine contents in locally available foods reported by the Centre for Food Safety in the Dietary Iodine Intake in Hong Kong Adults risk assessment study report in 2011 (RA Study 2011), which facilitates consumers to make food choices to increase iodine intake from the diet.
Please click into the webpage for details:
(2) Food Safety Bulletin & Food Safety Express 100th Issue (03/2025)
The latest issue of Food Safety Bulletin (for Consumers) and Food Safety Express(for Food Trade) has been published.
You are most welcome to read the publication at:
(3) The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department steps up inspections at food premises
The Centre for Food Safety and the Environmental Hygiene Branch of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) continue to intensify joint inspections of food premises to safeguard food safety. The FEHD continues to step up inspections of food premises, including shops selling siu mei and lo mei. Special attention is being paid to food storage, preparation, and hygiene to ensure compliance with safety standards and relevant legislation.
Please click into the webpage to view the guideline:
(4) The Centre for Food Safety announces results of risk assessment study on T-2 toxins, HT-2 toxins and 4,15-diacetoxyscirpenol in food
The CFS announced the results of a risk assessment study on T-2 toxins, HT-2 toxins and 4,15-diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) in food. The study results showed that it is unlikely for adults and younger populations in Hong Kong to experience adverse health effects due to dietary exposure to these mycotoxins.
Please click into the webpage for details:
Centre for Food Safety