Relative Humidity52%
Weather Last Update 11:10

High-risk Foods

Safer Alternatives

Susceptible populations should choose their food carefully and avoid raw or undercooked foods. The table below contains the food they should avoid and safer alternatives that they can consider:

Food Type

Food to Avoid

Safer Alternatives


  • Fish served raw/undercooked (e.g. sushi, sashimi, smoked salmon)
  • All other raw/undercooked seafood (e.g. oysters, scallops, shrimps, cuttlefish)
  • Thoroughly cooked fish
  • Smoked fish and precooked fish reheated thoroughly
  • Canned fish
  • Thoroughly cooked seafood
  • Smoked seafood and precooked seafood reheated thoroughly;
  • Canned seafood


  • Eggs served raw/undercooked seafood (unhardened whites and yolks, e.g. sunny-side-up eggs, scrambled eggs, partly boiled eggs or omelettes).
  • Salad dressings made with raw eggs, desserts made with raw eggs (e.g. puddings, mousses, tiramisu)
  • Fully cooked eggs
  • Desserts or salad dressings that do not contain raw eggs or are made with pasteurised eggs


  • Raw/undercooked meat and offal (e.g. congees served with undercooked minced beef/pork liver partially cooked steak)
  • Cold meat and meat products (e.g. ham, sausages, pate)
  • Cooked meat and offal
  • Cold meat and meat products reheated thoroughly

Dairy products

  • Soft cheeses (e.g. Feta, Brie, Camembert) and blue cheeses (e.g. Danish blue, Gorgonzola and Roquefort) made from raw milk
  • Cheeses made from pasteurised milk


  • Ready-to-eat raw vegetables (e.g. prepackaged salad vegetables, seed sprouts)
  • Thoroughly washed fresh vegetables




Last revision date: 7 Jun 2021