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Subject Areas

Food Safety Fact Checkers
Date Topic
02.04.2024 Daylily and Colchicine
05.03.2024 Removing the Mouldy Parts of Food Does Not Guarantee It is Safe to Eat
24.01.2024 Freezer Burn of Meat
18.12.2023 Anthocyanin in Purple Sweet Potatoes
07.11.2023 The Secret of Rainbow Meat
13.06.2023 Codes on Imported Foods from Japan
20.12.2022 Oyster and Food Safety
19.04.2022 Online Shopping of High-risk (Restricted) Foods
16.02.2022 Climate Change and Food Safety
20.01.2022 Know More about Canned Foods
16.12.2021 Process Contaminants in Food – Acrylamide
08.11.2021 Online Sale and Shopping of High-risk Foods
21.10.2021 Do Not Eat Raw Freshwater Fish to Avoid Harmful Bacteria and Parasites
20.10.2021 Acrylamide, Glycidyl Esters and 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol Esters in Biscuits
07.10.2021 Cultured Meat
02.2019 Radioactively Contaminated Milk Powder
07.2018 Edible insect and food safety
04.2018 Screening "Toxins" in Food with Genetically Modified Fish Embryos
01.2018 The Risks of Eating Raw Honey
10.2017 The Safety of Energy Drink
07.2017 Nitrofuans Metabolites Residues in Catfish
07.2017 Food Safety of Flavoured Ice Beverages
07.2017 Test results of glyphosate residues in oatmeal products
10.2015 A natural toxin in fresh Jin Zhen
08.2015 Not to consume any food found abandoned on the street
08.2015 Cholesterol in Multilayer Seafood Steam Pot
08.2015 Microbiological risks of sandwiches
07.2015 Upkeep Quality of Fruits and Vegetables
06.2015 "Foaming" Watermelon
06.2015 Crab Roe and Dioxins
06.2015 Use of Food Additives in Durian
05.2015 Marinated Raw Crabs and Food Safety
05.2015 Excessive Pesticide Residues in Tea Products in Taiwan
05.2015 Pesticides Residues in Tea Leaves / Floral Tea
04.2015 Cheese Made with Raw Milk
04.2015 World Health Day 2015: Food Safety
03.2015 Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Food Contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes
03.2015 Be Vigilant against Hepatitis A
03.2015 Lap-mei (Chinese Preserved Meat) and Food Safety
03.2015 Inherent Risk of Eating Raw
03.2015 The Use of Veterinary Drug and Food Safety
03.2015 Remain Vigilant Against Avian Influenza
03.2015 Food Poisoning Case Associated with Consumption of Mouldy Sugarcane
02.2015 Beware of toxic plants resembling Radix Fici Simplicissimae
01.2015 Food Safety Tips for "Formed Meat"
01.2015 How Long a Shelf Life could a Product Have?
12.2014 Listeria and Home-made Salads
09.2014 Substandard Fats and Oils Produced in Taiwan
07.2014 Ochratoxin A in Coffee
07.2014 Safe Use of Water and Beverage Bottles
07.2014 Food Products with False Description
07.2014 Why would pesticide residues appear in food?
05.2014 "Mad Honey Poisoning" Case
04.2014 Food Safety Tips for Vulnerable Population Groups
04.2014 Green Meat in Chickens?
03.2014 Only Consume Plants Known to be Safe
03.2014 Could injected meat be imported and sold as food for human consumption in Hong Kong?
02.2014 Beware of Food Poisoning Related to the Giant Alocasia
01.2014 Keep the Cooking Oil Safe
01.2014 Food Safety Tips of Eating Scallops
12.2013 Raw Oysters and Food Safety
11.2013 Can HIV/AIDS be transmitted by food?
09.2013 Coliforms – Traditional Hygienic Indicator
08.2013 Formula Products Contaminated with Clostridium Botulinum
08.2013 Food Safety Control in Response to Nuclear Incident in Japan
08.2013 Summer times and food safety
08.2013 Outbreak of Cyclosporiasis in the United States
08.2013 Nuclear Incident and Food Safety
08.2013 Dioxins in Food
07.2013 Does the name of a food truly reveal its nature?
07.2013 Food Safety Tips for Travellers
05.2013 Food Safety Tips on Fruits and Fruit Products
03.2013 Natural Toxic Substances in Food
02.2013 Horse Meat Found in Beef Products in Europe
12.2012 Benzo[a]pyrene in Cooking Oil
11.2012 Nutritional Composition in Infant and Follow-up Formulae
08.2012 Iodine in Infant Formula
04.2011 Nuclear Event and Food Safety
04.2011 Canola Oil
03.2011 Risk in Brief - Cadmium in Food
01.2011 Pesticide Residues in Food
09.2009 Ethyl Carbamate in Food
07.2009 Use of Boric Acid and Borax in Food
12.2008 Dutch eggs found with pesticide fipronil
11.2008 Enterobacter sakazakii in Powdered Infant Formula
09.2008 Sashimi and sushi
08.2008 Shellfish Toxins
10.2007 Prevention of Avian Influenza
06.2007 Mushroom Toxins
06.2007 Melamine
04.2007 Tetrodotoxin
04.2007 Toxins in Bile of Freshwater Fish of the Family of Cyprinidae
03.2007 Natural Toxins in Bitter Apricot Seeds
03.2007 Natural Toxins in Food Plants
02.2007 Listeria
12.2006 Overview on Food Additives
10.2006 Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli
08.2006 Oyster and Shellfish
08.2006 Salmonella
03.2006 "Use by" vs "Best before" Date
09.2005 Norovirus
03.2005 Ciguatera Toxin
05.2004 Mercury in Food
10.2002 Mercury in Fish
04.2001 Aflatoxin in Foods
01.2001 Hepatitis E
Last revision date: 19 Jun 2024